The Twelve Kālīs

© Christian de Vietri - The Twelve Kālīs and Kṛśodarī [drawing] 2022  (off-white)2.jpg
© Christian de Vietri - The Twelve Kālīs and Kṛśodarī [drawing] 2022  (off-white)2.jpg

The Twelve Kālīs


Archival Giclée Print on Hahnemühle Paper
50 x 50 cm / 308 gsm / 400 dpi

A drawing of the thirteen Kālīs in a hypaethral maṇḍala arrangement alluding to the cakra-melāpas or “circle gatherings” of Krama ritual that typically took place within circular Yoginī Temples. 

Textual source:
“These Kālīs are red and are located on a lotus of twelve petals...They are rays of the Kālī in the centre”
~ Kālīkulapañcakramakramārcana

Lotus cup in which all thirteen Goddesses are situated was inspired by the medieval Tantric ‘Lotus Maṇḍalas’ typical of Chakrasamvara [Item no. 9237, bronze sculpture,] and adapted to the Kashmiri style.
